I filled out our homeschool paperwork today. I just made it on time, today was the deadline to pay a lower price as a returning family! This also gave me a chance to look at the pile of things we have accumulated to see what we have (and what we have too much of!) and what we need. Luckily I buy something probably every month so the cost is spread out and don’t need much of anything now. If we are talking supplies (crayons, paint, etc.) wow you should see the closet. Or not. It’s kind of embarrassing.
Over at I Have To Say… she is going to do a Back to Homeschool Week next week. I’m going to join in the fun even though I’m a bit nervous since we haven’t homeschooled as long as others have.
I’ve been devouring homeschooling books from the library and checking my long list of websites for a few weeks now. I don’t have too many notes from any one book or sites but a lot of ideas now. I don’t have a very structured school day but I’m thinking we’ll need a better plan this year. We also are going to have sports activities and with luck we will be able to spread the practices and classes out so we don’t have a very full day or two followed by nothing. I can only imagine how tired the kids will be!
I am excited about the projects I have planned – I need to write them down in one spot so everything is all together. We’ve put down to start August 20 and I’m hoping we can get away with not taking a long break until the baby gets here. The kids birthdays are before the 20th so they won’t have that distraction and when my Mom comes to visit in September we are going to do touristy things and do a project or such around that. (Note to myself: Alice is only in first grade…)
Here are the questions for each day next week, she’s going to have a linky up on each of the days posts so you can play along and also find everyones writings in one spot.
Monday, August 6—What led to your decision to homeschool?
Why do you do what you do? What brought you to homeschooling? What factors played a part in your decision?Tuesday, August 7—How do you homeschool?
Scheduling, classical education, unschooling, getting the kids to help with chores, how to be “mom” and “teacher” at the same time, special needs, teaching an advanced child, how to teach the tough subjects, teaching high school, teaching with babies and preschoolers in the house, budgeting for homeschool supplies, notebooking, etc., etc., etc…Wednesday, August 8—Getting out there…
Extra-curricular activities, community involvement, volunteering, sports teams, music lessons, making sure your kids have opportunities to be social, co-ops, etc., etc., etc…Thursday, August 9—If I had only known…
What have you learned on your homeschooling journey? What would you/did you change? This is an opportunity to encourage others who are just starting out or who are struggling with issues that seem unsolvable. It is also a perfect opportunity to tell us about one of those days made you want to throw in the towel. A funny story? Perfect!Friday, August 10—Curriculum
What curriculum do you use? Where do you buy it? Have you found a “gem” that you must share with others? Was something in particular a complete failure for you and your kids?