I haven’t been reading Rocks In My Dryer (GREAT name, right?) for very long, but today I discovered she has a huge craft blog list! I love finding peoples blog lists – the first time I found one was how I found so many of my favorites.
I spent way too much time this afternoon browsing the listed craft blogs, adding several to my Sage plug in, eventually either deleting them or adding them to my ‘craft blogs’ folder. It’s probably time I go back through my blog reading list as it is huge and kind of out of control.
Remember my promise of pictures? How I need to get the software on the laptop before I can get the pictures off the camera. Well, now my camera is lost. When my Mom was here visiting we went to the beach one day and ever since I can’t find the camera. I know it is here somewhere, probably in plain sight!, but just can’t find it! I’m going to look again today since I haven’t been thinking of it.