So remember when I talked about how great clotheslines are? The next day our dryer died. I rigged up a clothesline upstairs – not even close to being as nice as if I could have outside! – and it’s worked fine for the past couple of weeks. I can hang up a load of clothes at night and (with the help of a well placed fan) they are all dry in the morning. I thought I knew what the problem was (the start button) but once it came and I replaced it (yep all by myself!) it still didn’t work.
Thus my quest for a dryer. Craigslist didn’t work out and the ebay one is 1 1/2 hours away. Sears to the rescue! I’m sure you’ve seen the ads but if not, I wanted to post a reminder – tomorrow (Saturday) is a one day 20% off Kenmore appliance sale. According to my ad sewing machines are not included though dryers are. I’ve only ever had Kenmore laundry appliances so off to the mall we go. I’m not that thrilled – the traffic is usually really bad (as in a cop directs it at various spots along the main road, even though he is sitting under a stop light!). But I will say it will be good to have the dryer back. I may put up a retractable clothesline upstairs, thus merely tossing the dried clothes in the dryer to soften them up (the towels haven’t been the softest). I really wish I could have a clothesline and can’t wait to put one up wherever we lived next.