I am SO excited!
I finished the baby blanket I was making. The last time I talked about it, I needed to do all of the edging. Well my friend emailed over the weekend and said she was going to pack her hospital bag because she’s been having braxton hicks contractions. She isn’t due for I think six more weeks, but the body is obviously gearing up!

Close up of one of the corners – I always have such a hard time with mitering the corners. Three of them were easy this time around but one gave me heck. I had to put it down, walk away, and then go back and finish. I have to say I am glad that I put the blanket away for a little while – I don’t think I could have finished the edging in a day and a night if I were working on it right after putting it all together.
I’m mailing it off either tomorrow or Monday – I’ll let you know what she says! ๐