All I’ve been doing lately is this baby blanket! So I stopped. Well, I tied it together and then stopped. I’m almost done though, just need to finish the binding and that’s it. I can’t wait! I have time because my friend isn’t due until November.
A couple of weeks ago we stopped at one of the craft stores and just walked through. I love doing that, sometimes you find great stuff on clearance or something for the kids or just another craft! I did pick up an embroidery set of pillows that I am working for my daughter! She’s very excited and I’ve let her help out a little bit. I’m so happy she’s taken to crafting and is so interested. She has asked for a sewing machine for her birthday and we are seriously considering it!
She’ll be five in a couple of weeks. And I’ve heard that the small sewing machine that is more for quick fixings may be a good one for her. I need to check it out the next time I’m at the store. Actually, I’m not even sure where to find it!
My digital camera battery died *again* – well of course it dies sometimes, right? But it seems that whenever I need it, that’s when it isn’t working. But I’ll get pictures up soon, the pillows are looking so cute and they even sort of match her curtain!
TJ, When my girls were about that same age, I found a toy sewing machine. It had everything on it like a real one and would sew just like a real one. It was powered by electricity. It came in a cute little case with all the necessary equipment. My girls loved it. I think it really only did a chain stitch, but it worked for sewing doll clothes and things like that. I don’t know if they still make them or not.
TJ, When my girls were about that same age, I found a toy sewing machine. It had everything on it like a real one and would sew just like a real one. It was powered by electricity. It came in a cute little case with all the necessary equipment. My girls loved it. I think it really only did a chain stitch, but it worked for sewing doll clothes and things like that. I don’t know if they still make them or not.