A country girl at heart, or at least a country music loving girl at heart, I am often reminded of the lyrics of a Sammy Kershaw song.
Let’s talk about anything
Anything in this world
But politics, religion and her
Politics can start a fight
Religion’s hard to know who’s right
And one more topic I won’t touch
That one’s her — it hurts too much
I remember the video – the wife of the main character had died. Politics and religion being the taboo subjects that they are, he picked to also stop talking about her. An understandable decision.
But let’s throw one of those out the window and talk politics! Let’s talk about how inspiring words can be and how hopeful we as a country are. Because we are right, we are hopeful? We want things to get better.
And let’s listen to Will.i.am and others sing the words of a Barack Obama speach.
Are you there with me? Are you inspired and hopeful and excited and full of the idea that yes we can change?
Need more inspiration?
I finally got back to crafting yesterday, half done with a pair of fingerless gloves and also half done with another fleece tie blanket. It’s a start and let me tell you, using my fabric scissors made me feel good.
I always have a lot of tabs open in my browser as I search online, getting caught up in craft blog after blog with great ideas and fun projects. I found something about politics that I had to share, I saw it first at Average Jane Crafter.
From Julie Ree’s blog:
It’s about more than policy changes. It’s about a sea change in attitude among the American people. He’s asking us to step up, pitch in, and work together to transform our country. He has inspired me to think about how I can engage more in my community, how I can serve others, and what role I will play in the future of my country. I am proud to be inspired by him. Imagine what kind of change we might see if he were given the chance to inspire the whole country as President?
I invite you to join me in supporting Barack Obama. This crafting community is an extraordinary group of thoughtful, hard-working, strong women. I think his message will resonate with you as it has with me.
I have great reason to hope. Instead of a politics of murk and muck, I see a path, however winding and long it might be, that can lead us toward renewal and hope. I want our country to be on that path.
I believe Barack Obama has a great message and if you are a Crafter for Obama – check out the donation page Julie has set up. You and I need to be mindful of the future, of what we are leaving to our child and grandchildren, in all areas – and we can change what we are leaving them and what we are living with. Let’s make that change.
HOORAY! Yes we can!
And I am the exact same way – I’ve got EIGHT tabs open in my browser right now … and I’ve got Google Talk running in the side bar. Eeesh!
Happy Crafting! ๐
HOORAY! Yes we can!
And I am the exact same way – I’ve got EIGHT tabs open in my browser right now … and I’ve got Google Talk running in the side bar. Eeesh!
Happy Crafting! ๐
I am working on a pair of fingerless gloves too! (sorry not American so not in the political stuff)
I am working on a pair of fingerless gloves too! (sorry not American so not in the political stuff)