I finished my newest nephews baby blanket! Okay I finished the other day and had to tear it out. I know that knitters do the whole tearing out thing, but as a seamstress or quilter, rarely have I!
It didn’t take very long to get the top put together and when I realized I had batting, the entire thing was basted in minutes thanks to my friend’s new Janome sewing machine. She has a tacking (or maybe the machine calls it tying?) function and we did it in really, three minutes or so. Super fast. All I had left to was the binding, and considering this was a couple of weeks before Christmas I put it on the side. The blanket wasn’t a Christmas gift, but rather a welcome to the family gift. He was born at the beginning of October so I’m within baby gifting time.
This is the first blanket where I used the sewing machine to sew on the binding completely. I’m not happy with it at all! Maybe it’s because the binding is silk but it didn’t look nearly as clean as I want it to. I used a zig zag stitch and left a little edge – the front looked mostly good, there were a few areas here and there where the fabric didn’t move fast enough so the stitches are super close. The corners looked rough though. I didn’t think about how to do the corners before getting to that point, just did it. I tried to cover up the corner with a design – which wasn’t aligned, I am thinking it’s because of the silk. I’m definitely practicing on scrap fabric before I do that again! The back didn’t look that great at all. I’m definitely more unhappy with the back.
Notice I’m talking in the past tense? Yeah that’s because I tore the binding off. It looked that bad. And I would show you pictures but my camera batteries died. We did buy rechargables and a charger and of course with all the video game playing that’s been going on, those are in need of a charge. I will show pictures when I get it redone because it is very cute.
awww ripping out is never fun! Looking forward to pictures!
chelles last blog post..WW#48- Welcome
awww ripping out is never fun! Looking forward to pictures!
chelles last blog post..WW#48- Welcome