Which blog reader do you use? I have used a firefox plugin called Sage, an RSS reader, for years and years. I love it. The only downside is that I can only read my blogs if I’m on my desktop computer. I started subscribing to blogs via email subscription and reading when I got the email and that works great! I also use FlipBoard when I’m on my phone. But I admit I really do like reading blogs at my computer. Sometimes commenting systems and my phone don’t agree, so if I want to comment I either just can’t do so or it ends up being a big hassle and I give up.
If you are using Bloglovin I would love if you would Follow my blog with Bloglovin!
I use Feedly. It has an app, but I just have it open in a tab in my browser.
I also have a tab open in Chrome on my ipad, so they sync up.
I’ll check that out! I am still using Firefox but on the ipad I just use safari. I need to do something to sync stuff up for sure.