Heather Mann’s new book, CraftFail: When Handmade Goes Horribly Wrong, was just released a few weeks ago. If you are a fan of the website, you’ll love the book.
Listen to Heather and I visit about crafting and learning and not needing to spend a lot of money to make something you love.
If you’ve ever made something that looked so good online and your version flopped.
If you made a cake that looked nothing like the picture in the cookbook.
If you tried and you failed and you learned and you tried again – you’ll love the book.
Enter today to win a copy of the book, generously donated by Heather! Tell me about a CraftFail that you had! Earn additional entries by visiting the Me Being Crafty facebook page and the CraftFail facebook page.
Andrea_R says
Pick me! Pick me!
Mary says
The first time my husband & I had his parents over for dinner after we were married, everything had to be perfect! I made broccoli with cheese sauce (trendy in the late 70s LOL), following my new “wedding present” cookbook for the cheesesauce, rather than making it the way I always had. I’m fairly sure they are still cleaning it off the walls & ceiling, 37 years after I fired it, pot & all when it “done”.