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Welcome to episode 039 of the Me Being Crafty podcast, where we explore creativity in your life.
In this episode I am talking about saying no – saying no so you are open to saying yes to another opportunity and realizing that saying no doesn’t make you a bad person.
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Starting with episode 040, the podcast is switching to a weekly schedule, I hope you stick around for the awesome shows I have coming up!
A reminder of where you can find me – Me Being Crafty facebook page – Tsoniki on Instagram – Tsoniki on TwitterÂ
Listen to episode 039 and let me know when the last time you said no to something, and what did it open you up to saying yes to.
Leave me a comment and let me know how you were creative today. Me, I’m taking allergy meds to combat the blooming flowers of spring, not very creative but sneezing every few minutes isn’t helping my sewing either!
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