It finally stopped raining and so we went for a walk along the beach.
I realize that part of the reason I do not do a better job of writing, by that I mean as frequent as I have been in years past, is because I feel like I don’t do anything. I mean I barely have any errands to run, grocery shopping takes mere minutes because the grocery store is on the next block, and all three of the kids are in school for most of the week. This means I have a lot of free time, which I generally use for sewing. But we do live in France, and that deserves to be talked about. I never thought I’d live overseas, much less this far from family.
And so let’s start with Monday’s. I am lucky to have a housekeeper. She comes on Monday’s and I love her, we all do. She’s so sweet and kind. She always brings us something she made, which is both slightly confusing and happily accepted. I like her to actually clean, versus picking up clutter or the kids things, so I go a room ahead of her and straighten up before she gets there.
After she leaves I generally have lunch and either sit on the couch or lay on the bed just enjoying how nice everything looks. I live with little tornadoes that look like kids so once they are home from school there are shoes in the entry way and school bags in the living room. They have a snack – which is called gouter (goo-tay) (and this deserves a write up of its own!) – and do their homework, a math lesson from the Saxon math books I bought, or read.
The French school system is quite different compared to the US. For one, there are two week holidays about every month and a half or so. We are on the middle of the winter break right now. We have the language tutor coming every day and have enjoyed getting out and exploring since the rain has let up.
I finished the HST BOM top that is my goal for the month so I will hopefully get pictures of it tomorrow.