I was doing SO well with posting everyday for the month. Then the car ruined it for me. *sigh*
Yesterday we went to Atlanta for the Indie Craft Experience and on the way home, we broke down. We were about 120 miles from home but I figured oh no biggie, we have roadside assistance coverage! And then the insurance company tells me we are covered for towing for only 24 miles. We were on the interstate, with no power (the alternator and battery both died), with kids in the car. After a few minutes of negotiation, I got them to pay a little more when a highway patrolman pulls up behind us. He ended up giving us a jump and said if we felt confident we could go as far as we wanted and if we broke down again on the interstate, he would find us because that was his section. We ended up going another 50 miles before the car died again.
After a few more hours and waiting at closed gas stations – seriously, gas stations close? I thought everyone stayed open 24/7 these days – we got a tow home and arrived around 2:30AM.
Too late for me to post for that day. Bummer.
I did come home with excellent crafts and I will share more about all of those, this week!