National Craft Month is Over
National Craft Month is over – did you craft all you wanted to? Did you finish projects or just start new ones?
Did you branch out to something new? Take advantage of any sales craft stores held?
I didn’t finish any of the projects I am working on. I still have a few things I really need to finish, but for some reason finding the motivation to do so is hard! I did finally get my card making supplies out and made cards for the swap I am in – which felt really good considering I took the past few months off since the supplies were with my Dad while I was in another state.
My one yarn needle broke and I have yet to replace it which means the fingerless gloves I was so happy to make for Alice still aren’t finished.
Since I didn’t buy a yarn needle that proves I didn’t get to a craft store. I admit it – it is hard to walk into a Joann that is so small. I don’t think I’ve seen a Joann store as small as the one here! I can’t even think of what to compare it to since stores are so oversized now. I haven’t found Michaels yet – but it seems like every store is on the other side of town! I rarely complain about having to drive somewhere for something – I grew up in a town where you had to drive two hours to the mall, one hour to the movies, etc. But seriously, all of the stores I enjoy (Joann, Barnes & Noble, Michaels, the mall, Hobby Lobby) are at least 15-20 minutes away, longer unless I can hit green lights. And driving over there not knowing what I want will be there, not fun. In fact I’m looking for a punch and am going to call the stores before I leave. I’d rather order online then drive across town just to see – the price of gas seems to be going up a few cents every three days!
Maybe some of my lack of crafting motivation has come from my serious motivation to work out – check out my baby weight blog at Losing My Baby Weight. I’ve been working hard the past week!
Be Inspired
A country girl at heart, or at least a country music loving girl at heart, I am often reminded of the lyrics of a Sammy Kershaw song.
Let’s talk about anything
Anything in this world
But politics, religion and her
Politics can start a fight
Religion’s hard to know who’s right
And one more topic I won’t touch
That one’s her — it hurts too much
I remember the video – the wife of the main character had died. Politics and religion being the taboo subjects that they are, he picked to also stop talking about her. An understandable decision.
But let’s throw one of those out the window and talk politics! Let’s talk about how inspiring words can be and how hopeful we as a country are. Because we are right, we are hopeful? We want things to get better.
And let’s listen to and others sing the words of a Barack Obama speach.
Are you there with me? Are you inspired and hopeful and excited and full of the idea that yes we can change?
Need more inspiration?
I finally got back to crafting yesterday, half done with a pair of fingerless gloves and also half done with another fleece tie blanket. It’s a start and let me tell you, using my fabric scissors made me feel good.
I always have a lot of tabs open in my browser as I search online, getting caught up in craft blog after blog with great ideas and fun projects. I found something about politics that I had to share, I saw it first at Average Jane Crafter.
From Julie Ree’s blog:
It’s about more than policy changes. It’s about a sea change in attitude among the American people. He’s asking us to step up, pitch in, and work together to transform our country. He has inspired me to think about how I can engage more in my community, how I can serve others, and what role I will play in the future of my country. I am proud to be inspired by him. Imagine what kind of change we might see if he were given the chance to inspire the whole country as President?
I invite you to join me in supporting Barack Obama. This crafting community is an extraordinary group of thoughtful, hard-working, strong women. I think his message will resonate with you as it has with me.
I have great reason to hope. Instead of a politics of murk and muck, I see a path, however winding and long it might be, that can lead us toward renewal and hope. I want our country to be on that path.
I believe Barack Obama has a great message and if you are a Crafter for Obama – check out the donation page Julie has set up. You and I need to be mindful of the future, of what we are leaving to our child and grandchildren, in all areas – and we can change what we are leaving them and what we are living with. Let’s make that change.
Six Things
My friend Tishia tagged me for this one ~ six unimportant things about me. Unimportant to who I wonder – unimportant as in it doesn’t matter if others know this about you?
1. Like Tishia, I love pickles. But I mean I LOVE them. When I was a kid one of my Uncle’s would give me a gallon of pickles for my birthday. One year one of my cousins and I ate the entire jar – then we got sick all over the living room. My Mom wasn’t home though, a babysitter had to deal with us! But the pickles also gave me bloody noses – too much salt? no idea – so I had to cut back and don’t love them nearly as much as I used to.
2. I rarely wear makeup. I use Bare Minerals and usually do a quick brush of powder and that’s it. Oh and Burt’s Bees lip balm, I’m addicted to that stuff.
3. I never wake a sleeping baby (or toddler, etc.).
4. I like road trips but only if I get to stop and see the sights, take a picture by the state line or at least walk around a town/city. If it’s all driving, count me out.
5. I love playing video games. Super Mario bros is my favorite I think, but the Zelda game I have for my Nintendo DS is closing in fast. And SimCity is awesome too. I don’t know why though. And I don’t like the sims as in the people.
6. Maybe this isn’t a static all the time kind of thing but I can’t wait for my 30th birthday. It’s this summer and my Mom and I are kind of planning something. No idea what, but we are talking about it.
So that’s me! A little late (sorry about that Tishia!) but always adding fun to the party. Jump in and play along if you wish. 🙂
We made it home! We left the house at 1:30AM on Tuesday, Chris drove until 7:30, then I drove until 1:30PM then Chris again until about 5. We made it to a small town in northwest Arkansas – just over 1000 miles! That was a great driving day because we had no bad weather and the roads were clear. The next day we saw snow and such but the roads stayed clear. We only drove about six hours that day but Thursday we got to my Grandma’s house at about 6PM or so. I felt like we stopped every hour on Thursday but of course I’d feel that way since I wanted to hurry up and get home.
I haven’t been able to do any crafts and we sent boxes with my Dad and of course those boxes had my card making stuff, crochet and sewing that I brought. I got a little bit of craft organizing in because my Aunt (who we are staying with) had a sewing box that was just out of control! I cleaned it up for her and that felt good. I found a few more people who want/need tie blankets so maybe I can find material and do that here.
We had burial services for George over the weekend – lots of the family came, we had the priest from our church there as well as family friends who did traditional prayers for us. He is buried next to my Grandpa and Great Grandma, the cemetery has lots of my family buried there so I’m glad we settled on that area.
The kids had a good Christmas. We had Christmas in the hotel room with Chris and my Dad (who was on his way home then) and then again with my brother, nephews and Mom. I think I have a few more things for my kids to open yet but they are fine. As I type this Alice is playing Connect 4 with one of my nieces and Jake is playing Nintendo. The roads are bad but the kids are loving the snow. I’d love it more if it wasn’t ice underneath!
Merry (late) Christmas and Happy (early) New Year!!!!!!!
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