I’m not sure if it is because we moved so many times this year, because Chris isn’t here or if I’m in denial – but I have nothing for the holidays planned. Do you? I have friends who started their Christmas shopping already, meanwhile I don’t even have a list written. That’s not like me since I like to be organized especially since I have to mail gifts to my family. I’m thinking I’ll do family gifts for my brothers again but have no idea for anyone else. I wrote a list over the weekend of who I wanted to give gifts to, but didn’t get farther then names.
My kids do have an idea of what they want to be for Halloween but that’s all the holiday stuff we know. We invited a friend for Thanksgiving but he is going to be out of the country at the time. My Mom is planning on visiting in December/January but we haven’t made definite plans yet.
You can see why I’d be “blah” right now about the holidays.
My friend Cara is the Household Helper and she put together a Holiday Countdown – check it out and sign up, it’s free! She provides a weekly email that includes shopping and decorating tips, snack ideas and party planning tips. I’m signing up in the hopes that it will kick some holiday spirit in me! I need it.
How cool is THAT?!?!? I am so in thanks for the tip!!!!
How cool is THAT?!?!? I am so in thanks for the tip!!!!