Hard to believe the day is almost over! I am steadily getting ready to go though the countdown really hasn’t started. We have a few more quirks that need to be worked out. But I’ve finished a lot on my list!
- Clean out closet and move other things in
- Move one dresser out and the bed to another room ~ Changed: the dresser will stay and the bed will get moved after I leave
- Move my things in boxes to the garage
- Stay caught up with laundry ~ so far so good!
- Finish at least half of the tasks list on my phone
- Rent truck for Chris to drive our things over
- Finish travel budget
- Publish craft podcast
- Read Real Simple ~ my Mom accidentally took this with her!
I love crossing things off of lists. I cleaned up my notebook earlier and took pleasure in realizing it’s almost out of pages – I already have a replacement and I get excited knowing I get to use it soon! Of course since I put all my craft supplies away I have an itch to do something. We’ve been cooking out a lot so playing outside with the kids helps but I really want to embroider. I already have an address for where we will be living but don’t want to buy anything online on the off chance it falls through. Plus it’s not technically ours for another week or so, I’d hate to have mail show up and get tossed or sent back!
And so back to the list! I need to finish laundry before bed. 🙂
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