I missed out on posting last week so here are my Friday Felicities!
~ I sewed A LOT this week! I try to sew daily but that doesn’t always work out. This week it definitely did.
~ I tackled zippers! That deserves an exclamation point, trust me. I don’t sew clothes and I also don’t really branch out into sewing “things” – quilts and blankets are definitely my thing. But after this week, sewing a quick pouch (or three!) wasn’t half bad.
{Follow me on instagram to see all that I’ve been sewing ~ user name tsoniki}
~ An old friend is in town! The military takes us all over the place, well maybe not all over, but we do move a lot. Way back when we moved to South Carolina (almost seven years ago!), one of our close friends moved to Hawaii. We’ve moved a bunch since then, and he’s been in HI the entire time. He’s here for the weekend and of course we’ve changed our schedule so we can hang out with him.
~ Two weeks til Sewing Summit! I am very excited about this – and this means a few weeks until one of my classes is over as well.

Wonderful! I try to sew every day too.
You definitely conquered zippers – yours looks wonderful! Happy Friday and thanks so much for linking up!