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Welcome to episode 012 of the Me Being Crafty podcast, where we explore creativity in your life.
In this episode I talk to Sandi Sawa Hazlewood, of The Crafty Planner about her start in the quilting community. Sandi started out creatively in the scrapbook industry, teaching classes and learning about color and what works with what, even though her Mom is an accomplished quilter and having the influence of a quilter right around her in her Mom.
I was able to attend one San Diego Modern Quilt Guild sew in when we were living in the area which is where I met Sandi. I wish we stayed in SD for a longer amount of time because the local guild always looks like they are having so much fun! Thanks again for being on the show Sandi!
Where you can find Sandi – The Crafty Planner facebook page – Sandi on twitter – Sandi on instagram – Sandi on flickr
Sandi jumped right into quilting headfirst after stopping at a local quilt shop on vacation. She bought five yards of fabric and hasn’t looked back! We talked about the process of making and of being creative in today’s world of instant sharing online. It is so easy to get caught up in the new quilt a week or new project every few days, but do not let that make you feel badly about what you are creating. Everyone is creative at their own pace and everyone is in the middle of the process at some point. Share your messy space, share your half finished project. Let’s get back to enjoying the process of making.
Listen to episode 012 and let me know your process of creating. Are you slowing down and enjoying what you are doing?
Leave me a comment and let me know how you were creative today. Me, I’m working on my to do list.
Really enjoyed the crafty planner episode!! I will subscribe!
Sandi, Love what you’re doing. Want to hear more about your quilting. Do you do quilts on commission? I still am thankful for your teaching me how to knit though haven’t got past scarves
Please email. Thanks, Betsy