Ah lists. So many of us love making – and then crossing things off of – lists. I have always loved lists, and I love it even more that I passed that along to my kids. When they were little they would write lists and bring them to show me. I still make lists, and I don’t always rewrite after I cross things off.
And what a rough week! I had lists on Monday and Tuesday but little got done due to no energy thanks to being sick. But I am glad I realized that the fourth quarter Finish Along over at The Littlest Thistle is open for signing up. I have four things I’m going to work on this quarter – and I am excited to finish everything.
First up – the advent calendar kit I started. I need to finish the little puffy ornaments and complete the calendar itself. This is for a gift and first on my list to finish so I can mail it. Mail to the US hasn’t been taking too long, but I’m sure the closer we get to the holiday season that will change a little. I love advent calendars (check out my advent calendar pinterest board!) and want to make a couple more over the next couple of months.

Next -Â a baby quilt.This one is for a friend here, she is due at the beginning of the year, maybe February. She’s a nice young woman and really is the friend of a close friend here. I am happy to be able to finish and give her a quilt for her new baby. I am planning on using the Dot to Dot Quilting class quilt patterns for these blocks since there is so much space. I like this pattern, and I really like how I arranged the layout. It’s the Sea of Squares pattern, which I found as a quilt along over at Christa Quilts, and the fabric is Ty Pennington’s Impressions fabric line. I am a huge fan of quilt alongs, even if I tend to find them after the fact. I like having patterns broken down into steps like this, something I always do anyway, which is how I end up with so many projects in various stages in my sewing room. The top is done and I have backing fabric already picked out and ready to go, so just need to baste, quilt, and bind it.

Third – a starquilt for my Dad. A Lonestar quilt actually, but I have always known this type of quilt to be a starquilt. I cut the strips a while back and really wanted to give this to my Dad when he visits, though I’m not sure when that will be. The hardest…maybe I should say most frustrating part…of a starquilt is the square corners and edge triangles. Doing the math to figure out the size is always a bit challenging, and definitely something I do two or three times. That saying “measure twice, cut once,” well that was made for starquilts. Hahaha This is my most ambitious on the list because all I have so far are the strips sewn together! Technically this is a started project, but whew, that’s just the first step.

Fourth – oh another baby quilt! This one is a bit over due and I feel bad about that. I hate to tell someone that I want to make a quilt for them and not deliver. Or not deliver “on time” – whatever on time is. This one is from City Stitches baby quilt a month club and it was really so super fast to put together. I want to make like seven more of these. And yes, that’s a white background for a baby quilt. I hope it gets drooled on and food smeared into it and drawn on when the baby gets to have fat chunky crayons. The top is done so I need to baste, quilt, and bind. Oh and ship!

I think four is a good number to start. I do have a lot of free time to sew but for some reason this fall I’ve been sick more than usual, I think the change in the weather affected me more than I figured it would and I’m looking to boost my immune system now. I don’t want to spend the entire cold season sick or not feeling fully well! I probably also need a good day of resting because I just feel so not energetic.
And so, what are you working on?
 (Disclosure: The links above are affiliate links, this means I may profit when you take action on my recommendations!)
I always say you can bleach white – so sometimes it is better for quilts that will get messy than a pale print that you can’t bleach. From experience!