In one week and five days JW will be one! (Doesn’t that sound sooner then less then two weeks?) I’m amazed at how fast the year went. I took a picture of him sleeping on my Mom’s lap at around midnight on New Years Eve. A year ago he was huge inside of me and this year he’s a big baby.
I’m working on planning his first birthday party. Of course this one is all for me, and his brother and sister, and my Mom and stepdad too. JW is just too little to realize what is going on. But plan away I shall!
Last summer my friend’s first birthday was Duke themed. The baby’s Grandma made him a round cake decorating like a blue and white Duke basketball, and he had blue and white cupcakes. A few of the gifts from his parents and family were also related to the team.
Since my family is from South Dakota, I thought I could pick the University of South Dakota for JW’s theme (plus that’s where my Mom attended). I mean, he doesn’t even know right. He will just be like “wow you are really letting me eat this sweet stuff? All of it? And I get to make a mess??!” He won’t care what the cake looks like before.
Or what about a soccer cake! He loves going to the older kids’ games. This one looks easy.

But I haven’t decided. I did find what looks like an easy recipe for rolled fondant and I think I’d like to try that. It would just be easy decor. Maybe the rolled fondant in a color and then I write with icing on top.
I don’t do themes so I’m stumped!